Friday, November 25, 2016


I am a cashmere a holic.  I need a twelve step program!!  My latest cashmere love are ponchos.  They are versatile and keep you at just the right temperature.  Now that I live in an apartment I don't need to cover up as much as I did in my house so they are perfect.  They come in all colors and price ranges and make the perfect gift.  Have you purchased these??

Monday, November 14, 2016


I am guilty as charged. I text people instead of calling them. However yesterday I was informed of a death by text. My old neighbor (from childhood) passed away at the old age of 87. Shirley and I were always close and remained so until her death. Unfortunately she moved to North Jersey and I had not been able to see her for awhile. Am I too sensitive or is too much to ask that someone call you to relay that someone has died?