Saturday, December 18, 2021


 I have been down this holiday season.  Normally I embrace the season. This year not so much. I am stressed over some things in my life.  I am haunted and empowered by the phrase "every choice has a consequence".  I keep thinking about my past and whether I could have done things differently. Why did I make the choices that I made.  Why wasn't I a better Grand Daughter -a better daughter earlier in life-a better ?

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Keeping it Blue and White

 I just love chinoiserie and anything blue and white. WhenzSara Fitz collaborated with Chappy Wrap the purchase of this blanket was a no brainer!  It makes the best gift!  Happy shopping!

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Home is Where the Heart Is


Friends make fun of me because I have a formal living room. I like it-I grew up that way and I am happy. Why do people make us feel guilty about the choices that we make? Why can't people let us feel comfortable in our own skin?  I don't have the answers-I know that one of my New Year's resolutions is to not care about what anyone else thinks.  Do you care what other people think??

Friday, December 3, 2021

 It's December!! Who can believe it?  Where have the last year and a half gone?  I had a lovely day off today. Manicure, lunch at Valley Forge Flowers, and some shopping!! It was the perfect day.  I love my Crab and Cleek totes to carry my purchases. I get so many compliments when I use them.  Do you have a favorite tote?  I need to join Totebags Anonymous!!!

Monday, November 29, 2021


 I love pretty things! When I was young my Mom was worried that I like things too much-things have won out!

These pillows from   Threadwell in Chestnut Hill are just divine. I have several in different sizes.  Molly (the owner) is fabulous and her taste is impeccable.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Handbags for Everyday

 We all love designer bags. However there are many occasions that we want an everyday bag at a good price. MZ Wallace fills that bill. Their totes are amazing and come with a makeup bag too. It's a win win situation.  What's your favorite bag??

Monday, November 22, 2021

Costco Finds

 I work next door to Costco. I go through phases when it comes to shopping at Costco. Some months I go once a week and other months not at all.

To make a long story short I have been looking for an eternity band. A friend told me that Costco has amazing jewelry. I was skeptical ar first but the more I read the more convinced I was. I took that plunge last week and bought a beautiful band.

Have you ever purchased jewelry at Costco?