Monday, June 5, 2017

The Doldrums

I used to think that depression wasn't real.  I thought that anxiety and depression were a choice.  Over the past three years (since my Mom died) I have suffered from both anxiety and depression and take medication.  Whereas most people suffer from depression during the darkest days of the year mines seems to peak in early June (as my birthday is the 11th).  It's crazy-I never experienced the unable to get out of bed syndrome and now I pray that I can get out of bed during my bouts.  Fortunately my medication does work.  I don't know what I would do without it.

Do you suffer from anxiety or depression?


  1. Just refound your blog via your IG and used to read you forever ago. I'm so sorry you are going through this and am so glad you sought help and got some meds. It is debilitating to suffer from anxiety and depression. I've suffered my entire life. Get out in the sun and try any kind of exercise that works for you- yoga walks gym . Mediation and watching my diet - not a lot of sugar and carbs help. Feel free to email me I'm happy to be of support xoxox xoxox tricia landlocked mermaid xoxo
