Saturday, August 27, 2016

I am a sucker for end of season sales.  J. McLaughlin is one of my favorite stores for end of season sales.   I picked up this caftan today. It will be perfect for my recovery and for upcoming vacations. What's your favorite go to end of season sale store?

I am finally back to blogging. After having my former blog disappear and not being able to retrieve it I was frustrated to say the least!!  I have made the commitment to get back to blogging and I could not be more excited.

The last year has been a blur. I had major surgery (thoracotomy) in February for a paralyzed diaphragam and phrenic nerve.  It was not successful and has to be redone on September 6th.  I will be out of work for six to eight weeks.  I cannot wait until it is over.

I am enjoying apartment living and have made some very good friends where I am living.  I hope that you will join me as I work, recuperate, travel and play.


Her Preppiness